Legislation to Reform Florida's Construction Defect Law Die in Florida Legislature
May 7, 2017
Two bills, HB 1271 and SB 1164, seeking to overhaul Florida’s construction defect law (Chapter 558 of the Florida Statutes), did not make their way out of the Florida Legislature. Although HB 1271 passed all committees, it died on the calendar awaiting second reading. A vote on its counterpart, SB 1164, was temporarily postponed in the Judiciary Committee. It is unclear whether the legislature will address the construction defect law in the next session.
For more information, please contact the author Jeff Wertman on our Dispute Resolution Team.

Legislation to Reform Florida's Construction Defect Law Die in Florida Legislature
May 7, 2017
Two bills, HB 1271 and SB 1164, seeking to overhaul Florida’s construction defect law (Chapter 558 of the Florida Statutes), did not make their way out of the Florida Legislature. Although HB 1271 passed all committees, it died on the calendar awaiting second reading. A vote on its counterpart, SB 1164, was temporarily postponed in the Judiciary Committee. It is unclear whether the legislature will address the construction defect law in the next session.
For more information, please contact the author Jeff Wertman on our Dispute Resolution Team.